Deleting an account and associated data

Learn how to permanently remove your account and all associated data, ensuring utmost privacy and security for your online presence.

Written by Alain VEST

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Deleting an account and associated data

Have you already used our application but uninstalled it? Or perhaps you're having problems accessing the functionality to delete your data? We understand that managing your personal information is crucial and we are committed to offering total control over your data, even outside our application.

That's why we've set up a dedicated email address, so you can easily request the deletion of your personal data associated with our service. Here's how it works:

Simply write to us at the following email address: contact [at]

Give us your email address and the username you used to register on the platform.

We firmly believe in easy access and control over user data, which is why we're making sure this web resource is clear, straightforward and doesn't require you to reinstall or re-engage with the application you've chosen to stop using.

Your privacy and control over your information should not be tied to the presence of the application on your device. With our web-based removal resource, they are not. If you have any further concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our support, who are ready to assist you at any time.

If you are still on the application, you can delete your account and data as follows:

  1. Go to the application settings
  2. Account management
  3. Then click on "delete my account".
  4. At the bottom of the new screen, click on "If you still want to continue deleting your account, click here".

This will delete your account and all associated data.

Please note that once you have confirmed the deletion of your account, you will not be able to request the recovery of your account, as it and its data will be completely destroyed.